meat lover
Pizzaiolo is a local pizza chain in the GTA with most of them being downtown. Now usually chains = bad but I think Pizzaiolo makes a pretty decent pizza and it's definitely a step above the usual crap like Pizza Pizza. Not just the quality is better but they also have some interesting choices if you're looking for something a bit more exciting.
Slices are $4.00 + tax. So far I've tried the Meat Lover (pepperoni, sausage, bacon, ham, ground beef) and also the Bianca (artichoke hearts, zucchini, garlic, feat) both of which were tasty. Also pictured is the Capone (chicken breast, roasted red peppers, mushrooms) which I have yet to try but looked pretty good and was full of toppings. One problem we all had though was that we were still hungry either we're all fatasses or...well probably that's it but still I could used a liiitle bit more pizza. Another thing to beware of is to avoid the combo. You might see their signs on the street advertising a slice and a drink for $5.30 + tax or $5.99 tax included but when a slice alone is $4.00 + tax so they're really ripping you off on a can of pop.
Study Notes:
- tasty
- still hungry
- avoid the combo
bianca / half eaten capone
uhhh...look at their website
Toronto, ON

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